Choosing Film Idea.

Today we got into our groups and discussed what film idea we would be going with. We found that the best way to do this was to share our film ideas and then vote for our favourite. First we began by listening to our film ideas.

Sarah’s film idea was about a girl who was presured into going to a Performing arts school and after the loss of a family memeber she finds it hard to fit in.

Jess’ idea was a film about Two couples where the males became annoyed with their women and had the amazing idea to swap girlfriends. They do this creatively and eventually end up getting what they want, but on of the men grow to miss their ex and the two guys now fight over the one girl while the other becomes pushed away.

Paul’s idea was about a man called Steve who renovates his house and discoveres it to be haunted. Suddenly, in a panic, he calls the press to come and see what is going on and he is found dead in his home as they arrive.

The idea i went with was the idea i discussed in the post above, about the girl who was being bullied at school until she found a Voodoo teddy, after which she bagan to seek revenge on her bullies.

The group then decided to vote for their favourite film idea. We were not allowed to vote fo our own. After all members of the group had voted my film won 3-1-0-0. We then discussed changes we could make in the plot to make the film move possible to create an opening too. For example, the age of the girl could be increased from 8.

My Film Idea.

My idea for a film was about an 8 year old girl called Sarah who is getting bullied at school by 3 older girls. This has been going on for a while and Sarah is too scared to tell her parents. One day the old lady down the street moves house for an unknown reason and is selling lots of unwanted items in a garage sale. Sarah is fascinated by an old dirty and scarred teddy bear on the sales table, which has been placed here unintentionally. Sarah steals the Teddy Bear after she sees another child also looking at the toy. The next day while Sarah is at school Sarahs mum finds the old teddy under Sarahs bed, she see’s how dirty it is and she puts it in the washing machine. That day at school the 1st bully is found drowned in the school bathroom with her lungs full of water and head injuries. Once the school re-opens Sarah takes her Teddy into class for show and tell, unaware that the bear is causing this, as ‘bully 2’ is called out of class for police questiong the youngest of the three bullies steals the bear from Sarah and tears open its stomach and begins to pull its stuffing out. A scream is heard from outside and the 2nd Bully appears to have a huge flesh wound appearing underneath her shirt which looks to be a bullet wound. Sarah begins to work out that the Teddy is causing this and out of sheer instinct at this moment Sarah has a rush of blood, looks the thrid bully in the eye and strangles her teddy. The bully chokes and dies locked in eye contact with Sarah. A boy is Sarah’s class in suddenly suspicious about the toy after he see’s Sarah do this to the bully and tries to take it from her. He chases her all the way to the roof of their school where Sarah backs away from the boy in fear, looses her footing and falls to her death. Dropping the bear on the roofs ledge, the boy picks up the bear and runs in sheer panic. The boy and the bear were never seen again.